Disclaimer: Images shown are obtained from public sources and are only for representation. They bear no real resemblance with the persona. Further, there is no association or contract with references show in the images.
Any information provided by Go-Chanakya and their associates does not constitute an investment recommendation, offer, or inducement to invest in securities or other investments. Keep in mind that investing involves risk and the value of your investment can fluctuate over time, resulting in potential gains or losses. Any guidance provided by Go-Chanakya is purely educational and does not guarantee future performance or returns. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Before taking any action based on information provided by Go-Chanakya, investors should consider the suitability of the investment for their particular circumstances and, if necessary, seek professional advice from a Registered Investment Advisor.
About the Investor Persona Assessment:
This Investor Persona Assessment is created by qualified professionals that have decades of experience and a thorough understanding of how people behave in the financial markets. It is built on substantial studies undertaken in the fields of financial psychology and cognitive profiling. The evaluation asks questions designed to discover key personality qualities that influence decision-making when it comes to investing.
Go-Chanakya, a property of Avanca Tech Ventures Private Limited, Mumbai is a technology platform that gives financial advisors and distributors an edge to understand their customers investor persona using behavioral finance techniques.
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MAIL: info@gochanakya.com